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  • Speaking on the Phone

    Speaking on the phone guide for Laryngectomy and Electrolarynx - Labex Trade

    Navigating phone conversations can present challenges for individuals who have undergone laryngectomy surgery. Here are some tips and resources to improve communication during phone calls: Understanding the Challenges: Laryngectomy surgery can affect vocal cords, making speech less intelligible over the phone. Lack of comprehension from the listener can lead to frustration for both parties. Tips … Read more

    Choosing The Right Electrolarynx

    Choosing the right electrolarynx - Laryngectomy and Electrolarynx guide, Labex Trade

    Choosing The Right Electrolarynx – Laryngectomy and Electrolarynx guide Choosing the right electrolarynx could be a hard task. There are different brands and models with different looks and feels to them. Your speech therapist will most likely give you several to try and choose from, however, in order to make this critical choice, you need … Read more

    Using saline solution

    Using saline solution - Laryngectomy and Electrolarynx guide, Labex Trade

    Using saline solution – Laryngectomy and Electrolarynx guide Maintaining adequate humidity is crucial for protecting the stoma during the healing process and acclimation to breathing dry air. Using a saline solution is highly effective in keeping the stoma moist and healthy. Spraying the saline solution into the stoma 1 to 3 times every 2 to … Read more