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How to find the sweet spot

Learning how to speak with an Electrolarynx - finding the sweet spot

The most crucial aspect of learning how to operate your electrolarynx - finding the sweet spot. It is well worth the time and effort, and you will be more than pleased with the end result. It is important that you have good articulation with a slow speed in the beginning.

*Playing with the adjustments will not help until you don't achieve good speaking skills.

An interview with our customer Vania Novakova in Bulgarian with subtitles in English, Spanish and Portuguese. This video will help you understand how to find the "sweet spot". The device used in the video is the Labex Comfort electrolarynx.

What do we call a sweet spot and how do we find it?

A sweet spot is called a place on the throat area where you feel the sound from your electrolarynx transmitted through the neck tissue and out of the oral cavity with the most clarity.

Finding a sweet spot is key to the successful use of an electrolarynx. To worth, the time and efforts and you'll be more than satisfied by the result. All you need is patience and practice.

The easiest way to find your sweet spot is by tightly pressing the electrolarynx Top Cap in different locations on your neck area and articulating a single vowel "A" while pressing a speech button.

What you are looking for is the place on your neck, which best transmits the sound. While looking for a sweet spot, it is crucial to press the device tightly against your neck tissue so the sound transmits through your tissue and out of your oral cavity. Take your time finding your sweet spot – this is the most important part of learning to use an electrolarynx. Finding just the right place will set you up for success.

Learn more in our Blog section with advice for using an electrolarynx speech aid device.