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New Spanish User Manuals are Available for Download

New Spanish User Manuals are Available for Download

Hello Everyone. We are happy to announce that the Spanish translations of all User Manuals is complete and are available for download on our website here:

Hola a todos,

Nos complace anunciar que las traducciones al español de todos los manuales de usuario están completas y están disponibles para su descarga en nuestro sitio web aquí:

Check out our User Manuals >>
Ver manuales de usuario en español >>





Check out our User Manuals >>

You can read our blog for helpful information and tips for dealing with the after surgery recovery here: https://labextrade.com/laryngectomee-blog/after-laryngectgomy-care/

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Check out some of our Stoma Care Products and Labex Electrolarynx Devices!

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where we build a community to help each other cope with the changes after laryngectomy

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